Open as Usual, during Lockdown 2
Covid-19 Lockdown 2
4th November 2020
In our 100+ year history, we have endured the Spanish flu pandemic, two world wars, the great depression in between, the oil crisis and a three-day working week, the Falkland’s war, two Gulf wars, 911 and other terrorist attacks, several political scandals and Brexit. So, we are sure we can cope through these exceptional times. “We’ve got this”…
We have been here before, back in March 2020. As a result, we have already established Covid-19 measures, systems and procedures, which allow us to continue to service your requirements, in a safe environment. The safety of both our staff and customers are paramount. Please do read about our established Covid-19 measures.
But, in-any-case, we understand that expecting a new-born is challenging enough, without the addition of a global pandemic. So, we will be here when you need us and endeavour to provide the same high level of customer service. We continue to dispatch orders in good time, to our customers around the world, and to help make your happy occasion the warm memory it should be.
Best wishes and keep safe.
Gillian Taylor
G.H.Hurt & Son