Heritage Open Day 2022 G.H.Hurt & Son are pleased to invite people back to our Shawl Factory. Our gates will be open to the general public this September for Heritage Open Day 2022. More…
A Family Affair G.H.Hurt & Son has been a family owned and run knitted lace clothing accessory business for four generations. Learn about the people who built our success. More…
Our History G.H.Hurt & Son was established in 1912 and carries on the tradition of Lace making in the historic city of Nottingham. Explore our history. More…
Henry Hurt: Master Knitter Henry was one of the last, if not THE last, handframe knitting apprentice. More…
G.H.Hurt & Son | Heritage Open Day 2018 Once a year at G.H.Hurt & Son, we open our factory gates to the general public as part of the national 'Heritage Open Days' event. Find out what we got up to this year, 2018! More…